Our progress to date

For more information, including definitions and calculations, see the Climate Report.

Message from our Chair and CEO

We remain committed to supporting Australia’s transition to a net zero economy by 2050, by continuing to manage the risks and opportunities of climate change and supporting our customers in an inclusive transition.

Full message

Supporting Australia’s energy transition

Decarbonising Australia’s electricity grid remains the priority step for Australia’s net zero future.

Read more on our support for Australia’s energy transition

Our approach

This year’s report provides a further update on our progress against our roadmap for progressively setting sector-level targets on financed emissions, and operational emissions targets. Decarbonising Australia’s electricity grid remains a key factor needed for Australia, and the Bank, to achieve our emissions reduction targets.


As Australia’s largest bank, we recognise the role we can play in supporting Australia’s transition to a net zero economy by 2050.

Read more about our climate strategy


Effective governance enables the Board to oversee the Bank’s management of climate-related risks and opportunities.

Read more about our approach to governance


Climate-related risks can have different impacts on our customers, people, communities and the Bank. Our risk approach helps us to better understand and manage these impacts.

Read more about how we address climate risk

Metrics and targets 

Our targets and progress related to our climate strategy.

Read more about our metrics and targets


This section describes the calculations, methodologies, assumptions and key references used in preparing the 2024 Climate Report.

Read more about the supporting information and assumptions made in the Climate Report

Important notices and information

Guidance on forward‑looking statements and climate information as reported in the 2024 Climate Report.


Things you should know

  • 2024 Annual General Meeting

    The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 16 October 2024. Learn more.