There are some things you can do to lower the chances of something going wrong.

Here are seven maintenance tips for keeping your home safe.

1. Remove dead trees and foliage

Not only does this keep your yard tidy and safe, it can also help prevent damage from falling branches and reduce the risk of a fire spreading. If in doubt, professional arborists can help identify and remove dangerous branches.

2. Clear and clean the gutters

No-one’s favourite job – but an important one. This can help reduce rot and moisture as well as reducing the risk of a fire and gutters overflowing in wet weather. Always remember to be safe when working on roofs and ladders.

3. Check electrical outlets

Look for loose-fitting plugs, and avoid overloading electrical outlets. Also replace any frayed or damaged cords – these can result in electrical shocks and even cause fires.

4. Test your smoke alarms

With smoke often being the first warning sign of a household fire, it’s important to regularly check your fire alarms are in good working order. Change the batteries as part of a regular routine – for example, the first day of autumn and spring.

5. Remove lint and debris from dryer vents

You need to clean lint from your dryer regularly to reduce the risk of it causing a problem with your dryer or making it catch alight.

6. Check your water heater

Inspect your water heater for damage or corrosion. A rusty water heater can leak, increasing the risk of mould and water damage, not to mention reducing water quality in your home.

7. Inspect your foundations

Walk around your home to check for any cracks that may indicate a structural issue or problem with your foundations. If you find something, have a qualified tradesman conduct an inspection. You don’t want things getting any worse.

Things you should know

This article is intended to provide general information of an educational nature only. It does not have regard to the financial situation or needs of any reader and must not be relied upon as financial product advice.

Home Insurance is provided and issued by Hollard Insurance Partners Limited ABN 96 067 524 216, AFSL 235030 (Hollard) and distributed by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124, AFSL 234945 (CBA). Hollard is not part of the CBA Group. CBA and its related entities do not sell, issue or guarantee the obligations or performance of Hollard or the products Hollard offers and this insurance product does not represent a deposit with or liability of either CBA or any of its related bodies corporate. If you purchase a Home Insurance policy, CBA is paid a commission which is a percentage of your premium.

For products issued by Hollard, information about the target market can be found within the product’s Target Market Determination available here.

This information has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs.  You should, before acting on this, consider the appropriateness of the product to your circumstances. A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is available at all Commonwealth Bank branches, by downloading them from or by calling 13 2423 and should be considered before making any decisions about this product. You should also read the Premium, Excess and Discount Guide (PEDG), Key Facts Sheets (KFS), and Financial Services Guide (FSG) by clicking on the links, or by calling 13 2423 for a paper copy.