Get rewarded for your everyday business expenses and included international travel insurance.
Get rewarded for your everyday business expenses and included international travel insurance.
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• No annual fee • 14.55% purchase interest rate • Up to 55 days interest free on purchases - ideal cash flow for small business owners • Transit accident insurance (up to $250,000) • Lock, Block, Limit® your credit card |
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A flexible and convenient card with up to 55 days interest free on purchases.
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The outcome of the Credit Card Selector Tool is intended as a guide only. The products suggested for your consideration do not take into account your personal circumstances, financial situation or needs. You should consider the information provided about each card type to determine if it meets your needs before you apply. The display of products outside of the ‘Suggested’ and ‘Also consider’ options is not an indication of product ranking or suitability based on your responses.
* For cash advances, the cash advance fee will apply.
+ Source: DBM Consultants, customers 18+ with a rewards/loyalty card in the 12 months to March 2023.
^ Points are earned on eligible transactions and are subject to points capping. Refer to the CommBank Awards Program Terms and Conditions for more information.
Applications are subject to credit approval. Full terms and conditions are in our Letter of Offer. Fees and charges apply. Mastercard and the Mastercard brand mark are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 Australian credit licence 234945.
1International travel insurance included on your credit card provides cover for you, your spouse and your accompanied children for return trips from Australia, up to a set period when you spend at least $500 on a single prepaid travel transaction using your eligible credit card account. You will need to activate your travel insurance for each trip in order to receive any cover, including Overseas Medical cover. You will also qualify if the $500 worth of prepaid travel costs is redeemed using CommBank Awards points. You will need to provide a copy of the letter/statement/email confirming the redemption.
To activate your cover, register on NetBank, the CommBank app or call Cover-More on 1300 467 951 before you travel. Terms, conditions, restrictions, exclusions (including for pre-existing medical conditions and persons aged 80 years or over), benefit limits, sub-limits and excesses apply. Before making a decision, refer to the Credit Card Insurances Product Disclosure Statement and Information Booklet for full conditions.
Insurance products listed are issued and administered by Cover-More Insurance Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 241713, ABN 95 003 114 145) on behalf of the insurer Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (AFSL 232507, ABN 13 000 296 640) for Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). CBA and its related bodies corporate do not issue or guarantee this insurance. It does not represent a deposit with or liability of either CBA or any of its related bodies corporate. We do not provide any advice on this insurance based on any consideration of your objectives, financial situation or needs. If you purchase an upgrade policy, we (CBA) receive a commission which is a percentage of your premium. More information can be found at commbank.com.au/travelinsuranceincluded.
2Lock, Block, Limit does not apply to transactions that are flagged as recurring (e.g. direct debits) and transactions not sent to us for authorisation. Except for the spending cap, transactions made via Tap & Pay set up on a compatible smartphone or via a PayTag are not blocked. Some transactions made via CommBank branches, telephone, online or mobile banking, including transfers to other accounts, bill payments, and assisted cash withdrawals are also excluded. Other conditions apply.
3The monthly fee is charged at $12 for a $1,000 limit, $18 for a $2,000 limit or $22 for a $3,000 limit. If you don't have any processed transactions in a given statement period and pay your previous statement closing balance in full by the due date, you won't be charged a monthly fee for that statement period.
4The CommBank Rewards program ('CommBank Rewards') rewards you with cashback after you activate (where required) an offer presented to you via the CommBank app and you make a purchase in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of that offer. Cashback is typically received within 14 business days of a qualifying purchase, but in some cases may take longer. If you are not already enrolled, you can enrol if you are at least 18 years old, hold an eligible CommBank credit Mastercard or debit Mastercard, Business credit Mastercard or StepPay digital card, and are an Australian resident living in Australia. CommBank travel money cards, corporate credit cards, business debit cards and pre-paid Mastercards are not eligible. Your participation in CommBank Rewards is governed by the full Terms and Conditions available in the CommBank app.
5We’re unable to block cash advance transactions that aren’t sent to us for authorisation. These will not incur any additional fees or interest charges.
The advice on this website has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should, before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances.
Applications for credit cards are subject to credit approval. Full terms and conditions will be included in our Letter of Offer. Bank fees and charges apply.
Interest rate and fees subject to change.
Mastercard and Priceless are registered trademarks, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.