About the portal

  • The IB&M digital portal allows you to access a range of services and tools, including in-life monitoring and servicing, product entry, and collateral reporting.

How to apply

  1. Log on to CommBiz

    Note: A token password isn’t required to access the IB&M Digital Portal.*
  2. On the homepage, select the IB&M Digital tab
  3. Select Product Entry, then Collateralised Loan
  4. Select the Product you’d like to submit a Collateralised Loan application for  
  5. Select the facility name and borrower’s name
  6. Enter the required transaction details

    Note: The Tenor (in days) will auto-fill. If required under your facility agreement, enter additional context for Commonwealth Bank teams in the Purpose field. Select Save and Continue
  7. Enter the beneficiary details. For some Commonwealth Bank products, this section will be Read-only as the details will be pre-filled and defined by your contract with the Bank. Select Save and Continue
  8. On the Documents & Goods tab, select the relevant collateral report. Otherwise, select Not applicable / report not required, then Save and Continue
  9. At the bottom of the page, enter the signatories from your organisation who’ll need to approve the collateralised loan

    Note: This field can remain blank and completed at the time of signing. 
  10. Select Generate PDF, then Save or Print
  11. This form must be signed by the identified approved signatory. This may be completed online or require a wet-ink signature, depending on your facility agreement. Once the form is signed and scanned, upload the file, then select Save and Continue. The form will be reviewed by Commonwealth Bank and actioned as instructed. 

To view all your Working Capital portal activity history, select In-life Monitoring, then Activity History.

You can return to a draft or pending Collateralised Loan request by selecting Product Entry page. 

Collateralised loans applications/utilisation requests for Borrowing Base and Working Capital Facilities can be submitted through the IB&M Digital portal for Commonwealth Bank teams to action.   

Download user guide

Things you should know

  • * Customers with a Borrowing Base or Working Capital Facility product with Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) (“Commonwealth Bank”) may be required to provide periodic Borrowing Base or Collateral reports respectively (as per their facility agreement). This reporting can be done through the digital portal.

    This guide is published solely for information purposes. As this guide has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances and if necessary seek the appropriate financial advice before acting on information in this guide. Call 13 1998 or view the CommBiz Terms and Conditions.