Access collateral reporting

    1. Log on to CommBiz

      Note: A token password isn’t required to access the IB&M Digital Portal.*
    2. On the homepage, select the IB&M Digital tab
    3. Select the Borrowing Base Report or Collateral Reporting item you’d like to upload your Collateral Reporting against

      Note: If there’s more than 1 item, use the “As of Date” and “Due Date” to guide your selection.

      a) As Of Date: the date at which your collateral profile is assessed
      b) Due Date: the final submission date where the report is due for submission to Commonwealth Bank
    4. Select or drag and drop your required reports then Upload
    5. Select the relevant Report Type (these will be specific to your company’s agreed collateral profile for the loan facility)

      Note: If the uploaded file (e.g. a multi-tab Excel spreadsheet) covers all reporting requirements, select all relevant report types, then Submit
    6. The files are now uploaded

      Note: The next status is “Pending Review”, as the User’s files are being reviewed and validated by Commonwealth Bank internal systems and processes
    7. Once these have all passed, the status for the report will be “Report Successful”. If you need to upload multiple files, repeat steps 2 and 3
    8. To review previously uploaded files, select In-life Monitoring then Activity History

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Things you should know

  • * Customers with a Borrowing Base or Working Capital Facility product with Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) (“Commonwealth Bank”) may be required to provide periodic Borrowing Base or Collateral reports respectively (as per their facility agreement). This reporting can be done through the digital portal.

    This guide is published solely for information purposes. As this guide has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances and if necessary seek the appropriate financial advice before acting on information in this guide. Call 13 1998 or view the CommBiz Terms and Conditions.