Georgie Tunny and Rob Mills share their top money tips

6 July 2024

  • Georgie Tunny, host of The Brighter Side, and her fiancé, actor, and singer Rob Mills, talk about their different saving styles and what they’ve learnt from each other about money
  • Rob’s tips for smart money management include always saving for a rainy day
  • Georgie shares the insights she’s gained from hosting The Brighter Side

Video: Georgie Tunny, host of The Brighter Side, and her fiancé, actor, and singer Rob Mills, discuss their different saving styles.

Georgie Tunny is a broadcaster, writer, and presenter, as well as being the host of The Brighter Side. Rob Mills is an actor, singer, and TV host, who is currently starring in the musical & Juliet in Sydney. The pair met in 2018 and have been engaged since 2021. They sat down together to talk about all things money and share some of their best savings tips – one of which is replacing taxis with a DIY chauffeur service: “That’s how we save money,” Rob laughs. “You don’t need Ubers, you have me.”

What Rob knows about money

When it comes to financial literacy, Rob backs himself. “I’m like a 7.5 or 8 [out of 10],” he says.. “I know how to save, I know about compound interest, I know about super.” He believes this good grounding in money matters came from his parents. “They were instrumental. We had a ledger – we wouldn’t just get pocket money. You had to have done your chores.”

Rob puts his attitude to money as an adult down to growing up without a lot of it as a kid. “Even though I earn a little bit more these days than I did from the paper round or singing in the pubs, I’m still the kid for the ’burbs who grew up with not a lot of money,” Rob says. As to whether he’s a spender or a saver? “I spend within my means.”

Rob’s best money tip

“Save for a rainy day, save for the future, and invest your money wisely. You might get a really great job – let’s say it’s a film – and it might last 3 or 4 months but there might not be anything after that so you’re always saving for the future.”

What Georgie knows about money

Georgie didn’t come to the relationship with the same understanding of financial matters as Rob – something they both agree put her in the prime position to host the show. “Rob said I was perfect to host The Brighter Side because I know nothing about money so it was going to be great because I could learn with everyone else,” Georgie laughs.

Rob says Georgie has changed how he views his savings to some degree, showing him the benefits of spending a little. “You should always reward yourself,” he says about working hard and saving well. “You’ve been really instrumental in showing me that.”

Georgie’s best money tip

Georgie says she has already learnt a lot from hosting The Brighter Side. “Most importantly, you have to spend less than you earn. Spend some, invest the rest,” she says. “And also, one of the key lessons I’ve learned is that it’s really important to plan. If you have a strong plan and just work away at it, usually you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.”

For more money saving tips and support available to help you navigate the rising cost of living, visit:

Things you should know

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