Smart money management tips

Money and Savings

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Earning and Budgeting

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A good place to start - saving and spending

It pays to teach children about money

It's important to teach children about money at any age.

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Budgeting for children of any age

Budgeting is a really useful skill to teach your kids.

How to teach kids to budget

Setting savings goals with your kids

Tips on how to keep your child motivated with saving.

How to set savings goals with kids

How to teach kids good savings habits

Discover good savings habits to teach your kids as they kick off a new school year.

How to teach kids good savings habits

Help your children to save with a Youthsaver account

All about pocket money

Should you give kids pocket money?

Help kids understand the value of pocket money in a digital world.

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5 ways children can earn more pocket money

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.” We’ve all heard that one before, and maybe you’re now saying it to your own children.

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Kit - Pocket money app and prepaid card

Parents and kids can use Kit to earn pocket money by ticking off jobs, set savings goals, track spending and learn with Money Quests. If a Youthsaver account is linked to Kit, your child can earn interest (eligibility criteria applies).

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Tips for your teens

5 money tips for starting work after leaving university

Launching into a career fresh out of uni is the start of an exciting new chapter in your life.

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Teaching teens about money management

Teaching your teenager about money management is in their best interests.

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4 tips on how to set savings goals with teens 

Here are some tips on how to set practical savings goals with teens and help them spend wisely.

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Teach your teen about credit

The sooner your teen understands how to use credit responsibly, the better placed they’re likely to be once they’re ready for their own credit card.

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How to help your teen find (and keep) their first job

Build responsible spending habits with a Smart Access account

Getting your kids involved

Your child's first bank account

A step-by-step guide to opening your child's bank account.

How to open your child's first bank account

Money and maths

Interactive money lessons to be enjoyed with children.

How to teach kids about money through maths

Three moneyboxes are better than one

Teaching children about spending, saving and sharing.

How to teach kids to split their money

Things you should know

  • Kit is a brand of CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd ABN 38 633 072 830 trading as HEY KIT. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 (CBA). CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is not an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Commonwealth Bank of Australia or its subsidiaries, and therefore you may be exposed to investment risk including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested, as relevant. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd has been appointed as authorised representative (001296799) of Hay Limited (ABN 34 629 037 403 AFSL 515459), who is the issuer of the Kit Account and associated Kit Cards. View the CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd Financial Services Guide (PDF). Any advice provided is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs so please consider whether it is appropriate for you. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDF), before making any decision about the products. Fees and charges may apply. View the Target Market Determination (PDF). Please visit Important Legal Information to access detailed terms and conditions about our app and the services, our Privacy Policy (PDF) and other important legal documents.

    CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd (ABN 38 633 072 830), trading as Hey Kit, has been appointed as authorised representative (001296799) of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945) who is the issuer of the CommBank Youthsaver account.

    This advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of that, you should, before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. View the Terms and conditions for transaction and savings accounts (PDF). Please read our Financial Services Guide (PDF).

    Any advice provided is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consider the T&Cs, available here, and whether a Youthsaver account is appropriate for you.

    The target market for CommBank Youthsaver will be found within the product’s Target Market Determination, available here.

    Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL and Australian credit licence 234945.