What you'll need

  • Permission to create maintenance requests
  • Your MRL linked to CommBiz. Read Linking a Market Rate Loan
  • List of the users you'd like to add as authorisers


Good to know

When adding an Authoriser for a Market Rate Loan, this allows the User to complete a draw down and manage requests on the MRL.

Add authorisers

Follow these steps if the MRL doesn't have an Electronic Facility Authority:
  1. Log on to CommBiz, go to Admin, select Maintenance Requests, then Add an Electronic Facility Authority 
  2. Select the Market Rate Loan, then Next
  3. Select the arrangement holder type, then Next
  4. If there's an existing Market Rate Loan with authorisers you wish to copy, select Yes. Otherwise, select No and go to step 8
  5. Select the user from the dropdown, then Next
  6. Enter any missing details, then Next

    Note: If the user doesn't have a CommBank account, you'll need to complete and send us a Certified Copies of Identification form.
  7. To add more authorisers, select Yes and repeat steps 5 and 6. Otherwise, select Next
  8. Review and Confirm to submit the request
  9. Print, complete, sign and send all forms to us for processing

Edit authorisers

Follow these steps if the MRL has an Electronic Facility Authority:
  1. Log on to CommBiz, go to Admin, select Maintenance Requests, then Edit an Electronic Facility Authority
  2. Select Edit on the arrangement you'd like to update
  3. Select the user from the dropdown, then Add. Repeat to add more authorisers

    Note: If you'd like to remove any authorisers, select Delete beside the users' names.  
  4. Select Apply Authority, then Next
  5. Review and Confirm to submit the request
  6. Ask the existing authorisers to approve the request

    Note: If forms are required, print, complete, sign and send them to us for processing.

Who needs to sign the Electronic Facility Authority form (Part C)?

Entity Structure of Account Owner
Person(s) authorised to sign declaration
  • 2 directors or director and company secretary or
  • Sole director
Incorporated Association
  • 2 authorised officers listed on the Minutes of Meeting held with the Bank
Unincorporated Association
  • 2 authorised officers listed on your Minutes of Meeting held with the Bank
Trust Account
  • 2 trustees or
  • Sole trustee or
  • Director and secretary
Partnership and Joint
  • Two parties to sign
Sole Proprietor / Firm
  • Proprietor or
  • Sole director
  • Where accounts are jointly held by three or more personal parties, a minimum of three parties are to sign
Government / Public Authority
  • Mayor or
  • Chair person or
  • President or
  • Vice president or
  • Other authorising officer

How to sign forms

  • We're unable to accept DocuSign, digital, electronic or cropped signatures so you'll need to sign in full with a pen. Your signature must match your identification documents (e.g. driver licence). 

Where to send forms

After you’ve printed and signed the CommBiz Maintenance Request or CommBiz registration form, you can scan and email the forms to bankfeed@cba.com.au or post to:

Reply Paid 332
NSW 2128

If you’re overseas, you can still email us. However, if you're also required to submit an identification form, you'll need to send the original signed forms to:

PO Box 332
NSW 2128

To check the status of a Maintenance Request, your Administrator can log on to CommBiz, select Admin, then Maintenance Requests.

Once we've received your forms, we'll be in touch in 5 business days.

Download user guide

Things you should know

  • This guide is published solely for information purposes. As this guide has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances and if necessary seek the appropriate financial advice before acting on information in this guide. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 1234. Call 13 2221 or view our Terms and Conditions.