What is PayTo?

An easier way to manage payments from your bank account

  • PayTo is a new payment option that’s fast, simple and secure
  • Manage all of the payments coming out of your bank account – all within NetBank, the CommBank app, and CommBiz 
  • Choose to use your PayID® or BSB and account number

Why use PayTo?

    • Control: authorise, view and manage payments from your bank account, together in the one place
    • Convenience: no need to remember your BSB, account number or credit card details – simply use your PayID on the spot
    • Visibility: know exactly when payments are due, so you’ve got enough money in your account to avoid missed payment fees
    • Security: your PayTo agreements are securely managed in NetBank, the CommBank app, and CommBiz
    • Flexibility: easily move your PayTo agreements between eligible accounts

How it works

  • Receive and authorise your PayTo agreement

    Using your PayID or account number and BSB, the payee sends you an authorisation request for a new bill, subscription or online purchase. You can then authorise or decline the PayTo agreement and any future updates.

  • Pause, resume or cancel your payments

    PayTo lets you pause, resume or cancel payments at any time within NetBank, the CommBank app, and CommBiz.

  • All your PayTo agreements, all in one place

    View and manage all of the PayTo agreements linked to your bank account, together in one secure place.

Checking your PayTo agreement

  • It’s important to read the PayTo agreement carefully, so that you know what you’re agreeing to when you receive an authorisation request. Once you’ve authorised the agreement, the business or merchant can debit your account according to the terms that you’ve agreed.

    Before you authorise a PayTo Agreement, you should check:

    • Amount: Check the amount specified in the agreement. If an amount hasn’t been specified and you approve the request, you’re authorising any amount to be debited from your account.
    • Frequency: Check how often the amount will be taken from your account (one-off/weekly/monthly/annually). If the frequency of the payment is ‘adhoc’ and you approve the request, you’re authorising that money can be debited from your account at any time after your authorisation is recorded.

    If you receive a request for a PayTo agreement that you’re not satisfied with, please reach out to your merchant to make amendments prior to authorising the agreement. The terms of the PayTo agreement that you authorised may influence your ability to raise a dispute if you have an issue with the goods or services related to your agreement.

    Keep up-to-date with scam trends and security alerts via our CommBank Safe page

Things you should know

  • PayID® and PayTo® are registered trademarks of NPP Australia Limited.