Features & benefits

Fast & easy to use

Answer a few quick questions about your business. This should only take a couple of minutes.

Help at every stage of business

Take the next step in your sustainability journey with easy actions you can make today, as well as larger scale changes you can work towards.

Handy resources

Access useful resources to support your business’ sustainability outcomes and lower your impact on the environment. 

How it works

Step 1

Answer a few simple questions about your business.

Step 2

We'll suggest some easy-to-follow actions

Step 3

View resources that could help make sustainability an easier choice

Get started

Who can use the Sustainability Action Tool? The tool is designed for small businesses and sole traders at any stage of the sustainability journey. 

Already a CommBank customer?

If you have NetBank access, you can start using the Sustainability Action Tool now. 

Take me there

New to CommBank?

Learn more

  • Sustainable solutions

    Our range of resources and products help customers understand their environmental impacts and invest in sustainable options for their life, home, and business.

    Explore sustainable solutions

  • Our commitment

    We are committed to playing a leadership role in Australia’s transition to a net zero emissions economy by 2050. We set targets and track progress related to our climate strategy.

    Read our position on climate change

Want more sustainability research & insights?

Things you should know

  • 1 Social, Sustainable & Responsible Banking Gold Winner, 2023 Qorus – Accenture Banking Innovation Awards.

    The Sustainability Action Tool (Tool) is for information purposes only and is not to be considered as advice or recommendation; and should not be relied upon as such.

    You should seek independent, professional advice before making any decision based on the Tool.

    To the extent permitted by law, the Bank does not accept, and excludes, any liability for loss or damage arising out of the use of all or any part of Tool.

    To the extent that any implied terms or statutory guarantees apply to the provision of the Tool, liability is limited at the Bank’s option to the provision of the Tool again or the payment of the cost of having the Tool supplied again.

    Information provided by you will only be used and disclosed for the purposes stated in our Group Privacy Statement.