CommBiz Fast Payment

  • Fast Payment is a CommBiz feature that lets you send money to most Australian financial institutions through the New Payments Platform (NPP).

    • A Fast Payment can be addressed to a PayID or BSB and account number
    • Money can be sent between participating domestic banks in less than a minute, 24/7, 365 days a year, in most instances
    • Make payments up to $150,000,000 AUD per transaction
    • Add a free text description up to 280 characters
    • Make your payment easier to recognise by including a unique payment reference, like an invoice number or purchase order

How do I make a Fast Payment?

How much does it cost to send a Fast Payment?

  • See the rates and fees section of the CommBiz Terms and Conditions for information about CommBiz fees.


  • NPP transaction data is provided in the BAI2, BTRS and BTRS Enriched Reports. See the CommBiz Reporting Guide for further information.


  • Do I need a PayID?

    PayID registration is optional. You can send payments to a PayID without having one yourself, and you can still use BSB and account number to receive payments if you'd like.

  • How many types of PayID are there? 

    There are four types of PayID:

    • Mobile number
    • Email address
    • Business number
    • Organisation ID
  • How do I register a PayID?

    For now, you're not able to register a PayID directly on the CommBiz platform. Discover how to register a PayID with a mobile number, email and business number.

  • Which CommBank accounts are eligible for PayID registration?

    There are a number of CommBank accounts which can be linked to your PayID.

    See eligible accounts

  • Can I send batch payments using Fast Payment?

    You can only make single Fast Payments at the moment. This will be available in the future.

  • Will Fast Payments be sent in real-time?

    Fast Payments are available 24/7, 365 days of the year and will typically be settled in under 60 seconds. Payments may be subject to checks and holds at the sending or receiving bank.

  • What goes in the Reference field?

    This is your own unique way of identifying any Fast Payments you make that can help identify and reconcile payments, like an invoice number

  • How do I save PayID details in my address book?

    For now, you’re not able to store PayIDs in the CommBiz address book. 

Things you should know

  • 1 Some BSB and/or account numbers of other financial institutions are not eligible to receive Fast Payments. In this instance, when processing a Fast Payment you will be advised to choose a different payment method.

    PayID® is a registered trademark of NPP Australia Limited.